It will be in the 21 kilometers of extension of the beach where this census and delimitation of the area will be carried out, as well as the placement of 28 signs, 16 garbage stations and 6 lifeguard towers
Mazatlán, Sinaloa. – With a delay of 15 years, the general director of the Organizadora de Playas, Jorge Contreras, announced that the update of the Census and Delimitation of the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone of Mazatlán was finally authorized, which includes a renovation of guardhouses for lifeguard elements.
During a meeting between the technical committee made up of state government authorities, the Tax Attention Service and the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the project that will seek to renew and improve the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone of Mazatlán was approved.
It will be in the 21 kilometers of beach where this census and delimitation of the area will be carried out, as well as the placement of 28 signs, 16 garbage stations and 6 lifeguard towers.
“The placement of 28 signage with a certification model has been authorized, as well as 16 garbage stations with waste separation, 6 life guard towers were also approved, as well as for more than 15 years of not having had an update in the census and delimitation of the federal maritime-land zone, has also been approved through our management and the works that we present to Semarnat and the Zofemat technical committee”, the official declared.
Contreras Núñez, assured that the census will serve to update the list of users of the federal maritime land zone of the municipality of Mazatlán, which together with the delimitation of the area will result in higher tax collection, in addition to the work for the Approved update will start in November 2021