Mazatlan cultural week will begin June 23rd with emphasis and LGBT artist


Tostado Quevedo announced that this year will be the first time in the history of the Angela Peralta Theater that its doors will be opened for the expression of this community

Mazatlán, Sinaloa. – The organizing committee of the LGBT + pride march and the director of the Mazatlán Institute of Culture, Tourism and Art, José Ángel Tostado Quevedo, invited the general public to participate in the cultural week that will precede the great annual march that seeks the visibility and acceptance of this community.

Tostado Quevedo shared that part of the activities will paint another two zebra crossings with the colors of the LGBT + flag, in addition to the fact that this year will be the first time in the history of the Angela Peralta Theater that its doors will be opened for the expression of this community.

“Today one has already been installed and two more are going to be installed. I believe that all three will be installed by Thursday at the latest, the Machado square becomes a venue for these great events and why not? The Angela Peralta Theater, which has never been opened in history to give this space to our great LGBT + community, ”said the official.

On the same premise, he recalled that starting tomorrow, June 23, the cultural week will begin, which will begin with a series of conferences at Casa Haas and that will conclude on Saturday the 26th at 8:00 p.m. at the Angela Peralta Theater.

“We invite you this Saturday at 8:00 p.m., we are going to have a great show in our Angela Peralta Theater with the artists of the community, there will also be the classical ballet company and some more surprises; contemporary dance and great artists”, he said.

Because the capacity will be limited and in view of wanting to integrate the entire Sinaloan society, they will have a giant screen that will project the show that the artists of the LGBT + community and the companies of the institute of culture will be presenting.

The Culture Institute is already thinking about the theme of the Mazatlan Carnival 2022

'We are already knocking on doors';  Culture is already thinking about the theme of the Mazatlan Carnival 2022

The director of the Municipal Institute of Culture, Tourism and Art of Mazatlán, José Ángel Tostado Quevedo, announced that they are already “knocking on doors” for the next edition of the Mazatlán Carnival 2022.

In the framework of the presentation of the cultural week of the LGBT + pride march, Tostado Quevedo revealed to the media that they are already thinking about holding the maximum celebration of the port; however they will be subject to the decisions of the authorities due to the SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19 virus pandemic.

“Well, we are going to prepare, as you saw last year and the times are going to liberate us, which we hope will be done because the port is interested, we are all interested in the port being positioned, especially today that Mazatlán is positioned in one of the best ports”, he explained.

Although the theme or the names of the designers who will be in charge of the elaboration of floats have not been defined, Tostado Quevedo reported that they are already “knocking on doors”, while they wait for dates to be specified for their planning.

“That will have to be defined by the corresponding institutions, we will prepare in due course and they will release us as the dates are given (…) We are knocking on doors just because we are already specifying the issues that are going to be carried out and based on that we will call the designers (…) We did not have the 2021 carnival, we are hungry as Mazatlecos for the party, the carnival party, the meat festival, which will be held in our port”, he concluded.


The Mazatlan Post