According to 80 % of people remember the things that they see and 20 % what they read. Another research shows that 65 % of people are visual learners. The neuroscientists of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) found that the human brain can identify images for as little as 13milliseconds. Many other statistics & studies favor using images on websites to grab the user’s attention.
They also believed that images are a powerful means of communication. The best benefit of using images on your websites is that they remove the language barriers, as they are easy to understand by most users. Before using images on your website, the image you are using is free from plagiarism. Manually finding similar images is no doubt a critical task, so you can use an image search tool to check the similar images used on multiple websites.
Reasons to Use Images on your Websites:
There are so many reasons that show the importance of using images in your websites.
For views & clicks:
Humans are visual beings, so they grab the user’s attention and spark our emotions. If your website looks appealing, then there are more chances to get more views & clicks through the images. Using the picture on websites has so many benefits as they improve the user experience and also assists website builders to present the essential information more effectively. But it is also very important to use images that are free from copyrights, so it is beneficial for you to make a photo search before publishing it on the website.
If you improve this strategy, the website visitors will stay more on your web page, and the chances are high of being converted into sales. However, while using photos and the text content on your website, do a picture search for the image you will use on the web page. For ease, you can use an online reverse image search tool.
Product’s Impression:
There is no doubt that content has its importance as it explains your product and the services you are providing, but the image can help you develop a first impression about your product. They bring life to your services or goods and give your website visitors power to visualize & image to utilize them. It helps to create an opportunity to get good sales & highlights for your brand. Using the copyrighted images on your website can decrease your sales and website traffic, so you need to check whether the picture you are using is unique or not. In this situation, making a reverse image search helps you spot the fake images and makes it easy to know who is using your pictures.
Website Ranking:
Did you know the pictures you use on your website can help you to drive high rank in search engine result pages(SERP)? The caption you are creating for the photos is like additional content for SEO purposes. If the description is original for the image with proper stuffed keywords, then the content will be beneficial for both the website & pictures. Content also helps you find more opportunities.
The thing important to remember is not to use the images used already on different online platforms. To make it clear, do a reverse image search for the picture you plan to use for the website. It might be critical for you to search the images one by one, so consider using the image finder tool.
Fuelling Social Media Platforms:
In the advanced world of technology, social media has its importance for all the business. The images on websites have significant impacts on your website rankings on all platforms. It’s an age of social media, and people will communicate with each other with social media posts. The image carries an emotional trigger to a response, such as a comment or a share, so more people can interact with your social media post.
These kinds of actions on social websites are important for promoting your business and encouraging the visitor. These actions can be more effective if the images are original, so try to do a reverse photo search to find similar photos used on various platforms by using picture search.
Best Reverse Image Search Tools:
Here are some of the best image finder tools you can use to search for similar photos.
Reverse Image Search by SmallSEOTools:
If you want to search similar images across the internet, this reverse photos search tool makes it easy & quick to search for personal use. Just upload the image to find similar results or enter the URL of the picture. You can also use the feature of uploading the image from Dropbox or Google Images.
Image Search Tool by Google:
The image search tool by Google is one of the most popular tools, and it is considered an easy-to-use image finder tool. It allows you to search the same image and its sources, and it also helps you check the copyrights and size of an image. You can use this tool without paying any fee or buying the paid subscription.
In this article, the focus is to discuss the importance of using images on websites. There are two main components for a website that can lead the website to a better search engine ranking and traffic, the first one is content, and the second is the image. Your website ranking will depend on these components, and both elements are essential for the website to drive traffic. There are many misconceptions about using images on websites, but the fact is that pictures on web pages can serve more of a purpose instead of making it look good.