Mazatlan Public works announce Gabriel Leyva Ave remodel will be finished in September


It would consist of an investment of approximately 170 million pesos in bipartite contribution

Mazatlán, Sinaloa. – The director of Public Works of the Mazatlán City Council, José Daniel Tirado Zamudio, announced that Gabriel Leyva Avenue would be completely remodeled in September and would consist of an investment of approximately 170 million pesos.

“The municipality would contribute about 70 million pesos, 20 for this first stage and 50 for the second, the state about 100 million in the two stages, we are talking that it would be about 170 million pesos in total,” he said.

Tirado Zamudio estimated that, according to state government data, it is planned to deliver the work for next September 30 the entire section that goes from the Juarez Bridge to the Café Marino, which has been a total of 2.4 kilometers in length.

“The Gabriel Leyva work can be divided into two parts, one is the one that is being done with municipal resources, which is what concerns Jumapam and what the State Government is doing, which has been the paving. Right now the first part is practically completed from Jumapam, which goes from the Juarez bridge to Héroes de Nacozari street, “he reported.

The municipal official asserted that what this work includes is the vehicular stream, the sidewalks, garrisons, public lighting, traffic lights and a bicycle lane that has been part of the vehicular stream.

“A pluvial pipeline was introduced to remove the water from the rains that accumulated in the colonias 12 de Mayo and Casas Económica, especially in the rainy season,” he said.

He called for calm and patience both to pedestrians and drivers who travel along that route since the work causes annoyance, but in the end, they will benefit.


The Mazatlan Post