Mazatlan’s easter vacation numbers of tourist could be equaled or surpassed that of 2019 (videos)


Despite the fact that two years ago there was no pandemic alarm, the Civil Protection coordination considers that this year the number of tourists visiting the port will be equal and could even be exceeded.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- With (Semana Santa) Easter holidays, just three weeks from the start, Eloy Ruiz Gastélum, Municipal Civil Protection Coordinator, reported that although details are lacking to fine-tune the surveillance operation, they will try to maintain the same tourism capacity as two years ago.

semana santa 2019

With special elements for surveillance and prevention of contagion by Covid-19, the official commented that they will have a team of 12 drones, which will have the function of detecting abnormalities and verifying any bather with a high temperature, they will be immediately removed from the area of Beach.

“Adjustments such as capacity in the beach area specifically, we believe that we will not see the need to increase the surveillance zone specifically in the areas visited by tourists. We have control over them (the drones), the handling and flight are by the company that is providing the service, there are 12 teams, “he said.

drones mazatlan easter security surveillance

However, despite the fact that two years ago there was no pandemic alarm, he commented that this year the number of tourists visiting the port will be equal and could even be exceeded.

“Let us remember that in 2019 on the holiday we had of Easter we had an estimated influx of 543 thousand visitors here in the beach area, possibly this occasion will be surpassed or equaled, the challenge for us as the City Council is to maintain the statistics and the figures that were given in that last festival, where 53 aquatic rescues were maintained, 54 medical attention ”, said Ruíz Gastélum.

Cuerpos de emergencia de Mazatlán alistan operativo de Semana Santa 2019

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What to expect for Semana Santa Mazatlan 2021


The Mazatlan Post