For the first time, a Yucatecan will represent Mexico in the World Photographic Cup, the most prestigious photography contest that will award its winners in April 2021 in Rome, Italy.
The photographer Eric Montero Melgoza, whose photograph in the wedding category became one of the three winners of the National contest “Haz Clic con México” Organized by the Mexican Photographic Committee, which gave them the pass to attend the World cup.

In an interview, Eric said he was very glad to be the first Yucatecan to represent Mexico in this contest and recalled how it was the process that will take him to the European continent along with 15 other Mexican photographers.
“The contest is the World Photographic Cup, it is like the counterpart of the soccer world cup, with the same level of relevance but in photography, in its case, it is an annual contest in July in six categories, which are reportage, nature, illustration, portrait, wedding, and commercial.
Each country has a portfolio and photographers from Mexico send our photographs that go through a process by juries that select the best photographs in each category. Of thousands that were sent, one of mine was the one they selected and in each category three photos pass, I go with a wedding photo. Right now we have won in Mexico, we are 16 photographers who are like the national team, and we are still on that path of bringing the cup or a medal, the photos are already being evaluated and the awards will be held in Rome ”, he explained.

On his photography he commented the following:
“Angy, who is the bride in the photo, she had planned a vow renewal because when she got married she hadn’t been able to do the wedding as she wanted, she got married in a garage, so she wanted to do something more representative, this year she is 10 years married, she was doing her wedding just as she had dreamed it, but the Covid thing happened and she couldn’t do it, so she hired me to photograph the renewal of vows and together with her husband, they wanted a photo that would last, so I hired some people to do the dressing, image, mood, and a friend did the decoration. Their children were as partners and it was at the Xcunyá farm, where we held the representative ceremony of their renewal of vows.
It was very cool, it was a very beautiful circumstance, she prepared for a year to look good on the day of her photo, there were many mixed feelings and I think that is reflected in the photograph, you can see the love she has for her husband and with their children ”he expressed.
Eric recognized that this is the best moment he has had so far in his career as a photographer.
“I feel very happy, I feel in a dream and that at any moment I will wake up, but when I see the messages I can see it is real, it fills me with enthusiasm, especially because in Yucatan there is a lot of talent, there are photographers who are very good people and who have more experience than me, and have not had the opportunity to represent the country, so I feel that it is a way to motivate them and tell them that if I can, they can too. Recently I was in the top 7 worldwide at the 35 Awards and I feel that I can generate encouragement to them to show that Yucatán has a lot of talent and contribute, it would be something surprising if new champions in photography start to emerge “he concluded.

The winners of the World Photographic Cup will be announced at the WPC awards ceremony in Rome, Italy, on April 19, 2021.
Eric is a 32-year-old photographer with a bachelor’s degree in marketing and a master’s in management.
His career as a photographer began three years ago when he studied for a diploma in photography at Anahuac University.
Since then he has devoted himself entirely to photography. “I have taken so many photos that it is as if I took a whole life doing it,” he says.
His preparation has led him to offer courses in Colombia, an exhibition in Cuba, in addition to giving classes and sharing his knowledge at the same university where he obtained his diploma.
He is currently Ambassador for the Photographer’s Winery and NPS for the Nikon company.
His work can be found on the Facebook page: Monteromelgoza