How is living in Campeche, the only state in COVID green light for two months


The green light has not been synonymous with relaxation from sanitary measures in Campeche. The population has created strategies and a culture of prevention, depending on the economic, material, and social possibilities.

Picture: Esteban Hernández

Doña Marina Canché begins her working day at 4:30 am when she wakes up to prepare the merchandise that she will sell in the “Pedro Sainz de Baranda” market, the main food supply center in Campeche capital. At her stand, she sells radish, coriander, mint, epazote, chili, and oranges. The process to disinfect them consists of immersing them in chlorinated water for several minutes.

Antibacterial gel, mask, and chlorine are your defense against COVID-19. This is part of the new normality that Marina and thousands of other families living in Campeche, the first and only state with a green light due to the pandemic.

This Wednesday, Campeche has been on a green light for two months. Last September 25, the health authorities declared this entity the first to change to this color after reaching a total of 6,031 accumulated positive cases, of which 5,165 were recovered and 816 died.

“The green color indicates a low risk of contagion. In this scenario, the trends in the spread of the Sars CoV 2 virus decrease, but they do not disappear, ”the Campeche Health Secretariat reported.
Despite being in the green light, sanitary measures have not been relaxed in Campeche. The population, the business, and the informal sectors have created strategies and a culture of prevention.

Each sector is aware of the benefits that economic reactivation brings with it thanks to the green light and the care they must take since there is the possibility that COVID-19 outbreaks may arise.

Businesses, the most careful with the measures

After being declared the only green state, economic activities began to reopen in an orderly and gradual manner.

At the main entrances of the central market, there is personnel who take the temperature of the consumers and provide them with antibacterial gel before entering the central supply market in Campeche.

The staff of the Marganzo restaurant, one of the busiest by national tourism, applies the hygiene standards indicated by the State Health Department. From the moment the guest enters the facilities, the staff takes the temperature and provides antibacterial gel, to later place it on previously disinfected tables.

Each diner has a designated area with glass separations between table and table, to comply with the healthy distance; in addition to only allowing access to 50% of its total capacity. Rubí León has been in this restaurant for 16 years and is one of the 30 people who work there; their job is to serve food and sanitize tables and chairs daily.

Picture: Robin Canul

El Jarocho Taqueria, located in the San Román neighborhood, is another of the favorite restaurants for local people and is a reference for nightlife, as it is widely known for its Pastor and Chuleta tortas and tacos. Luis Ordaz, in charge of the business, shares that the Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks of Campeche (COPRISCAM) constantly monitors the facilities and staff so that they operate in compliance with sanitary standards, this consists of checking body temperature, the correct use of mask, that there is chlorinated water in the facilities, as well as antibacterial gel and soap.

Ordaz mentions that they have operated since April 15 with home delivery, when the state was on an orange light. However, they have expanded the service so that diners can order and collect their orders directly on the premises. With the green light, more people have come looking to consume right there.
The economic recovery gives a break to the businesses. According to INEGI, in Campeche, 41.17% of the establishments are not essential, and 75,418 people depend on them, who saw their commercial activities interrupted during the red light, 40% of them are women.


Campeche Post