What awaits Sinaloa if Joe Biden is declared president?

The Secretary of Economic Development of Sinaloa, Javier Lizárraga Mercado, referred to the electoral process in the United States and said that he hopes that things continue with ‘their natural course’

Mazatlán, Sinaloa._  The possible electoral triumph of Joe Biden in the Presidency of the United States, is a natural process of that country, and does not endanger or disrupt the Free Trade Agreement with Mexico, which is signed, nor will Sinaloa have negative repercussions, but on the contrary, said  Javier Lizárraga Mercado.

The Secretary of Economic Development in Sinaloa stated that it is finally a decision of the US citizens who showed their electoral preference and that here a natural course is simply being followed in commercial exchanges for the future.

“It does not benefit or harm, I feel it is simply a change of president, there is a Free Trade Agreement, fortunately, signed, which is the USMCA, I believe that Mr. Biden and some people around him have shown solidarity towards Mexico, and I think it is simply a change ”.

Mexico, said Lizárraga Mercado, has the capacity for dialogue and the consolidation of commercial exchanges will follow a natural course, where the railway project with the United States and Canada is a clear example of this and that with these changes of Government in the northern country, open a new opportunity to make it happen in the future.

“I firmly believe that this relationship between the USMCA, including the project that we already have with the New Port Railway, is going to solidify, we have been talking with Caxxor, they are very happy, I think he himself is to say in his lecture ”.

The state official pointed out that it is finally an electoral process in the United States, with a new president, and where the commercial exchange commitments with the three countries will not lose force or undergo major changes.

Biden asks to speak to AMLO; not yet, says his government

The Foreign Ministry ensures that communication will be established when his victory is officially declared

The Mexican ambassador to the United States, Martha Bárcena, explained to American
people the reason for the country’s decision to wait to congratulate the winner of the presidential election in the American Union.

On the instructions of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the Secretary of
Foreign Relations, Marcelo Ebrard, the Mexican diplomat stated that such a decision is
based on the principles of foreign policy, which are enshrined in the Mexican Constitution,
particularly in the principle of non-intervention, as well as in the history of the country.

Source: eluniversal.com.mx, lineadirectaportal.com

The Mazatlan Post