Demand for crossing to Mazatlans Isla de la Piedra drops by up to 50%

From being at 40% they fell to 20% in the last week

Mazatlán, Sinaloa. – Taking out just for maintenance expenses and paying land to boatmen, they keep working on the Isla de la Piedra Pier. In recent weeks there has been a decrease in the influx of tourism and they subsist with the local passenger.

“We are at 15-20% of passage, it lowered us half because we had been at 40%, we are keeping stable, spending it, up to date, to get the expenses of gasoline, of the worker,” said César, representative of the Union of Lancheros.

He added that of the 400 tourists who crossed a day on weekends, nothing else has been going from 120 to 130. He acknowledges that the fact that Durango and Chihuahua will turn red at the epidemiological traffic light has a lot to do with it

“The red light was put on in Durango and Chihuahua, all that also helps to reduce tourism. Every day, on weekends, 120-130 tourists have been passing, there are not much, other good days up to 400 have passed. , plus the locals, there was a bit of an upturn for us, “he added.

César invited the users of this means of transport to board the boats taking health measures, to avoid a rebound in cases, since by restricting mobility again it would be to return to the difficult times they lived during quarantine, where the service it fell between 80 and 90% and they did not even get money for expenses.


The Mazatlan Post