The initiative proposes to punish those who occupy any communication route for profit or prevent the collection of tolls

Faced with the growing wave of blockades in booths and roads in the country, Morena and the PAN in the Chamber of Deputies presented a joint initiative to increase the punishment of people who, for-profit or otherwise, impede traffic on roads.

The initiative states that although the action of blocking communication routes has been classified as a crime for 100 years in our country, until now the law has been insufficient because in recent years the taking of booths has multiplied in different entities, which affects citizens, communities, industries and toll income.

The initiative registered in the parliamentary gazette of the Chamber of Deputies by the deputy of Morena, Juanita Guerra, president of the Justice Commission and, the PAN legislator, Manuel Pérez Díaz, proposes to modify article 533 of the Law of General Communication Roads, in order to punish with up to seven years in prison whoever occupies any means of communication for profit, prevents the collection of tolls or conditions the transit to transport through these roads.

“Those who in the exercise of the conduct established in the previous article obtain a profit, prevent the collection or condition in a total or partial way the transit of the means of transport that circulate in general communication routes, will be sanctioned with six months to seven years in prison and a fine of 750 to 1000 Units of Measurement and Updating in force, “says the initiative of the morena.
During this week, the Ministry of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero, agreed with the presidents and representatives of various organizations of the business sector, to hold working groups to carry out actions that stop the blockade of communication channels.
