The economic losses due to the blockade of the railroad tracks in the municipality of Meoqui exceed 19 billion pesos, 50 days after local farmers closed this means of communication in protest against the venting of the Chihuahua dams for payment of water of the Treaty with the United States, a contribution that the National Water Commission expects to be made by this state.
A train convoy saturated with yellow corn for fodder near the Chivatito community on the highway to Juárez, other wagons loaded with new cars on the Jiménez and Camargo sections and some railway gondolas stranded with supplies and grains in the interior of the Union Delicias Credit, as well as tank cars parked outside the Heineken brewery are just a sample of the scenario that has left the blockade of the train tracks in Consuelo Station.

Alejandra de la Vega, head of the Ministry of Innovation and Economic Development of Chihuahua, calculated the losses of 19 billion pesos on the 50th day of the blockade. Although national figures account for stratospheric amounts of economic losses, adding to the blockade of Chihuahua those made by teachers from the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE) and normalistas in the state of Michoacán, according to complaints made by the Confederation of Chambers of Industry ( Concamin) or the Chamber of Industry of Transformation of León, Guanajuato, (Caintra) or by the same railroad industry.
“The effects are important because the logistics of various sectors such as the industrial sector, primarily the automotive sector, and others that have also been affected such as the cement and beer industries have been hampered”, said Alejandra de la Vega.
Among the damages caused by the blockade is the output of forage corn production from the municipalities of Cuauhtémoc, Namiquipa, and others in that northwestern region, and the grain warehouses are already saturated, said the president of the Chihuahua Produce Foundation, Jesús Leal.

The road blockade also affects the crossing of export vehicles that come from the Bajío assembly plants to the United States; the transportation of diesel and fuel oil for factories and some maquiladoras that still continue to use the transportation of inputs for manufacturing production.
With a week to go until the deadline for the Water Treaty with the United States expires, Mexico fights against the current to meet the remaining 10 percent of its debt in a historic conflict over the liquid and with a still uncertain outcome for the government, peasants and specialists.
Mexico still has to deliver 230.5 million cubic meters to the United States of its five-year obligation, for which it has 89.3 percent compliance, said Blanca Jiménez, general director of Conagua.
“We have several ‘plans b’ to be able to comply because, as a Mexican state, it is not a problem of the federal government, it is a problem of the three levels of government, it is a problem of all states. In other words, as a Mexican state, we do not think not to comply, “I declare.

“The vision that Chihuahua has on the issue of water is seen as their own good. It is a state that has repeated that the water in Chihuahua is from Chihuahua,” Jiménez lamented, saying that the main challenge is for Chihuahua to with your input.
Source: Agencia EFE