They seek the economic development of Chiapas


In order to share experiences for the economic development of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, the business group Tsovet Empresarial Chiapaneco AC (Tech), chaired by Rafael Jiménez Aréchar, has had approaches with social actors, politicians, and national athletes, which help to consolidate the economic impulse that the state capital requires.

“Our purpose is that they can help us and contribute to the economic and social development of our state, and make synergy with businessmen, with social groups, in such a way that there is an exchange of ideas, commercial, that helps and improves our environment,” he said. .

Rafael Jimenez Aréchar

For next October, the arrival of the Ambassador of Panama in the country, Alfredo Oranges Bustos; The Foreign Minister seeks a rapprochement with the state closest to Central America, in order to seek alternatives for bilateral trade.

Alfredo Oranges (@Alfredooranges) | Twitter
Alfredo Oranges Bustos

“The agenda includes issues such as agribusiness, free zones, logistics facilities that Panama offers; in addition to topics such as: Education, culture, and activities that we are sure will be of mutual interest to our countries ”, he pointed out.

The participation of local organizations of commerce, tourism, agriculture, health, culture, among others are guaranteed; The entrance, said the business leader, will be free, only that security measures will be taken care of due to the pandemic.

“The idea is that all the people of the state who are interested in it look for us through Facebook (Rafael Jiménez Aréchar), and once we launch the call, we will agree with the Ambassador’s agenda,” they said


San Cristobal Post