Governor of Tamaulipas faces harsh accusations


The governor of Tamaulipas, Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca is facing various investigations that link him to organized crime, and this situation has unleashed a wave of indignation across the state.

During the tour made by the governor and the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in the municipality of Matamoros, dozens of attendees received García Cabeza de Vaca shouting“The DEA is looking for you, you’re going to fall!”

The crowd waited for him while both officials carried out a visit to an elementary school, a high school, and a secondary school; two sports modules, two Child Development Assistance centers and the Catarino Garza public market, which the Ministry of Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu) built in the region.

The events exploded last week, when it was announced that the governor is being investigated by the Specialized Attorney for Organized Crime Investigation (SEIDO), of the Attorney General’s Office, for alleged operations with illicit resources from drug trafficking.

The statement warns that García Cabeza de Vaca would have benefited from alleged profits from the Gulf Cartel. This investigation adds up to the denunciations of the Morenista,  Alejandro Díaz Durán , who accused the governor of Tamaulipas of having ties with drug traffickers.Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca, governor of Tamaulipas (Photo: Special)Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca, governor of Tamaulipas (Photo: Special)

In 2016, in the midst of the campaign for the governorship of Tamaulipas, Héctor Crescencio de León Fonseca, alias the “R3” , leader of  the Gulf Cartel, accused Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca, then a candidate for governor, of receiving payments from that criminal group.

The “R3” was captured on January 7, 2016, in Altamira, Tamaulipas, and he declared before federal police: “I am aware that my boss the” R2 “aka “Toñín “, identified as Marco Antonio Haro Rodríguez, gives money to a politician named Francisco Javier Garcia Cabeza de Vaca. I know this because when I give him the money I collect, he mentions that this money is for the politician Garcia Cabeza de Vaca”.

Last year, the Gulf Cartel accused the governor of receiving 15 million pesos from the criminal organization for his electoral campaign,  and reproached him for not complying with an alleged agreement to “allow them to operate” in the state.The governor of Tamaulipas denied statements that involve him with the Gulf Cartel (Photo: Twitter)The governor of Tamaulipas denied statements that involve him with the Gulf Cartel (Photo: Twitter)

On Friday, August 29th, together with López Obrador, the governor of Tamaulipas denied the accusations that link him to drug trafficking. “Instead of working for the good of people in the streets and solving so many problems that we have, now it turns out that one has to deny alleged investigations,” he said.

García Cabeza de Vaca assured that these attacks are due to the fact that his strategy in Tamaulipas is on the right track. The state president presumed that when he took office in 2016, the state was in the first place of insecurity and currently it occupies number 25 on that list.

Source: Infobae

The Mazatlan Post