Acapulco continues to discharge sewage into the bay


The rains exposed the drainage pipes that arrive from condos in the Diamante area

ACAPULCO. The pluvial currents generated by the heavy rains of yesterday morning exposed several pipes that allegedly discharge wastewater to the sea in the diamond zone of Acapulco, coming from the area’s luxury condominiums.

The port, last month was exhibited internationally due to sewage discharges that were recorded on video from the top of a building in the tourist area, which led to the dismissal of the director of the Commission for Drinking Water and Sewerage of the Municipality of Acapulco (Capama) and the head of Ecology, and led an investigation by the National Water Commission to conclude in a criminal lawsuit before the delegation of the Attorney General of the Republic for damages to the environment against the paramunicipal Capama.

In the case of the Diamante area, there have been several discharges that were closed from condominiums that discharged their waste into the sea in the present municipal administration and of which there were also economic fines that were not enough because the contamination problem persists in this area of ​​the port, and proof of this were the PVC pipes that the rain stream discovered

Acapulco receives tourists with sewage

Of the more than 50 wastewater treatment plants, only three operate, and not 100 percent.

A few hours after the gradual reactivation of tourism in the port of Acapulco, the nonsense arises between agencies of the state government and the drinking water operating body, as a result of the sewage discharges that were dumped on the Icacos beach, which emerged the anger and the ease of excusing each other for the pollution of the sea.

A large part of this problem is due to the fact that of the more than 50 wastewater treatment plants, only three work, and not one hundred percent, all the while requiring three billion pesos for their repair and to avoid further contamination of the beaches with drain water.

But in the face of the scandal caused by the videos in which thousands of liters of sewage are collected, draining to Icacos beach, recently certified as a Blue Flag, officials from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semaren) and the Drinking Water Commission and Sewerage of the Municipality of Acapulco (Capama), were involved in dimes and diretes.

The owner of the Capama, Leonel Galindo González, quickly went out to declare in defense that same day that: “It is normal to discharge water directly to the beach at the start of the rains, it is as if Acapulco was washing its face from the high part (sic) ”.

He assured that there were no sewage discharges and that the output registered that day, he insisted, corresponded to the runoff caused by the first rains of the season, and that it was false that a dam had overflowed.

He argued that he was questioned on the same social networks when cataloging it as an obvious inexperience of the municipal official, since it was real that it was about drainage discharges to this beach classified as “clean”.

In counterpart, the head of the Semaren, Arturo Álvarez Angli, announced that he had officially requested an investigation from the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) and the National Water Commission (Conagua) on what caused the water spill. black to Icacos beach.

He justified that the dumping of sewage in a maritime zone is a federal crime, which must be investigated to define responsibilities.

For his part, the head of the Environmental Protection Attorney of the Guerrero government (Propaeg), Alfredo Gómez Suástegui, cast down the version of the director of the paramunicipal, González Galindo, assuring that the channel was blocked, as a result of the heavy rains, and warned that it could sanction the paramunicipal, for the runoff of sewage into the sea.

The head of the drinking water operating body, despite this, maintained his rhetoric that they were not drainage waters, but rainwater, although under pressure from the state government he confirmed that a laboratory external to Capama carried out physicochemical and microbiological samples to confirm that there are no sewage discharges to the bay.

The director of Municipal Ecology, Guadalupe Rivas Pérez, came to his defense, who, to counterbalance, stated that the discharge to Icacos beach was not a product of sanitary drainage, but of the first rains this season.


The Mazatlan Post