Another tourist falls from a parachute in Mazatlan; boatmen rescue him from the sea


Mazatlan Sinaloa; July 12, 2020.-

Something is happening with the parachute teams but the responsible federal authorities do not want to see it, let alone attend to the problem

In the afternoon while they were taking a flight through the air north of the hotel zone, a tourist fell and went into the Pacific Ocean.

This event was recorded at around 6:00 p.m. off the coast of the Pato Blanco Hotel and the Marina El Cid and is reported in the second case in the last 24 hours.

The boatman pulling the parachute went to the place where the tourist was and was able to rescue him, apparently, he was unharmed

One of the dreams of those who visit the destination is to fly and meet from the air, which is why all the equipment must be in optimal conditions.
But it seems that the supervisory authority has not done its job and in recent years there have been several such incidents, some with fatal consequences.

In both of these weekends, fortunately, it was just the scare.


The Mazatlan Post