Mazatlan Sinaloa.- There have been several reports made by the public about the constant obstruction of the podotactile floor in the remodeled Rafael Buelna Avenue, and that these spaces were created with the intention of making a fully inclusive Mazatlan, as the Mayor has instructed. Luis Benítez and in continuity to the inclusive campaigns of DIF Mazatlán.
With the opening of the road circulation of the new Rafael Buelna avenue, the bad practices of drivers have become evident in not respecting the blue spaces for people with disabilities, as well as the tactile lines for visually impaired people.
This morning, the president of the municipal DIF, Gabriela Peña Chico, María Astrid Macías Fregoso, director of the Tourist Attention and Protection Center, as well as Francisco Guerra González, deputy director of Municipal Transit, met to jointly follow up on awareness campaigns that has implemented the Mazatlan DIF System as “Free Banquettes” and “I Do Respect Your Spaces”.
Peña Chico commented that the podotactile floor warns visually impaired people where to stop, if there are obstacles or street crossings, and that is why it is very important to keep them free for those who need them.
“I send a message of awareness to the entire city to respect all the blue spaces of the port, sidewalks, ramps and as well as the tactile touch lines found on Rafael Buelna Avenue, it is a signpost for people with visual impairment to move with all confidence and thus strengthen their independence because as we have said Mazatlan belongs to everyone ”, stressed Peña Chico.
Macías Fregoso called on citizens, tourists and businesses in Rafael Buelna to be aware of and respect spaces for people with disabilities.
“We want to invite all citizens and all tourists who visit our city to respect spaces for people with disabilities (…), and that the same businesses spread this message so that together we can all have an Inclusive Mazatlán,” said Macías.
Guerra González commented that it will be a week of raising awareness among citizens and that from Monday, June 29, the corresponding infractions will be applied to drivers who obstruct the city’s touch-sensitive floor.
“This week is to raise awareness among citizens, there are many people who perhaps do not know this type of signage (…), but from Monday we will sanction as dictated by the Sustainable Mobility Law of the Government of Sinaloa.”
Podotactile floors are a sign that you feel when walking on it, they serve to warn of possible danger and to guide the visually impaired on the right path.