NO DEAL! Cleaning workers in Mazatlan protest and stop work


‘And the bonus for when?’, Reads the banners of unionized workers, who have been demanding compensation for a few weeks at the risk of continuing to work in the pandemic

Mazatlán, Sin.- Annoyed at not receiving a response from the mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez or his officials, before the request for incentives for workers of Urban Cleaning of the port, the Union of Workers at the Service of the Mazatlán City Council (Stasam) stopped work for three hours and they demonstrated outside the pension located in the Alfredo V. Bonfil park.

The workers protested with banners that read “Urban Toilet works and does not stay at home” or “Urban Toilet pulling, and the voucher for when?”.

The general secretary of the Stasam, Jesús Osuna Lamarque, reproached that beyond entering a table for dialogue and negotiation, the municipal government used the public force to repress them.

Not only that, it also forced temporary workers without a license to get on the collection units and go out to cover with alleged routes, even though they do not know the scheme of how it works.


The Mazatlan Post