There is no suspension of alcohol sales in Sinaloa due to coronavirus


05 DE ABRIL DE 2020 1500hr

There is no restriction on the sale of alcohol in Sinaloa due to the coronavirus pandemic, clarified the director of state alcohol, Octavio Ruiz Fonseca

That the sale of alcohol has not been suspended in the state of Sinaloa, as rumored by the coronavirus contingency, the director of alcohol of the state government, Octavio Ruiz Fonseca, commented on social networks.

At the moment there is no instruction to prohibit the sale and the only part where it cannot be sold is in the dens, bars, and establishments that are closed to avoid the coronavirus.

He indicated that it is sold in convenience stores and outlets and it will be until the product is finished because some brewers have already stopped working.

Once it’s gone its gone


The Mazatlan Post