The Rural Community Forces against armed groups in Sinaloa are created


Neighbors from different communities demand the installation of a military base, although they have already installed obstacles that hinder the free movement of armed people around the rural communities of Culiacán.

Sinaloa .- Communities of Culiacán create the Rural Community Forces as ” protection for the people and not generate violence, ” said Andrea Cebada.

Given the events in Loma de Rodriguera and Paredones , residents of Agua Caliente request that a permanent military base be installed.

This town is a town of working people. Andrea Cebada

Barley pointed out that in Agua Caliente they have not had the presence of armed groups, however, they decided to create the FCR again as a preventive measure, this is because several years ago the organization existed, however, because it became a peaceful place. it had disintegrated.

For her part, Gloria Lizeth García pointed out that despite not being perfectly aware of what happened in Paredones, she did highlight that only one family stayed to live in the community, that is, out of fear the neighbors ended up fleeing the site.

They said they expect the installed barricades to be used by the military as part of their base on the site. Photo: The Debate

In addition, he insisted on the demand that a military base be installed in the area.

On the other hand, it was mentioned that there are people who have thought of leaving the site, however, they do not do so in order not to lose their land or livestock.

We do not want to pick a fight with anyone. Gloria Garcia

The two spokespersons indicated that they are not interested in arming themselves , nor in appearing to be a group of self-defense groups like those that were created in southern Mexico due to rampant violence.

We want peace and tranquility. Gloria Garcia

! No To Armed Groups! it was read on the white posters where inhabitants of Aguacaliente and other neighboring towns belonging to the Tepuche syndicate.

We want protection and we want protection for all people. Gloria Garcia

Entire families say they are fed up with experiencing firsthand the violence that has plagued them by armed criminals.

When asked about the way to act, Gloria García said the following:

Defend our community, our ranches, and people. We will defend if possible with sticks, with whatever we have at our hands. Because we are afraid that something else will happen to us.

We want peace, among the cries that the residents made towards the authority, especially to personnel of the Ministry of National Defense, since they fear that something similar will happen to communities that have been taken by organized crime.

For this, they have already installed some barricades and on the bridge, they have placed two walls with a metal cable with which they prevent the so-called armed groups that they fear from entering at certain hours.

People of all ages were present as they indicate that they do not want to leave their homes since some have their livestock.

A white flag stood out as a sign of peace.

! No To Armed Groups!

Vecinos de Agua Caliente, Culiacán crean las Fuerzas Comunitarias Rurales y piden una base militar permanente para tener seguridad

Vecinos de Agua Caliente, Culiacán crean las Fuerzas Comunitarias Rurales y piden una base militar permanente para tener seguridad

Posted by El Debate Culiacán on Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Source: el debate

The Mazatlan Post