Part of the Cerro de la Nevería in Mazatlan is sliced for new development


In the worksite you can see “hills” of dirt, as well as on the left side you can see a canvas where the name of the construction company and the permit number are cited

Resultado de imagen de Cerro de la Nevería

Mazatlan Sinaloa .- Users of social networks reported that a part of the Nevería Hill was being handled by heavy machinery, next to a building where suites are rented.

Resultado de imagen de 'Rebanan' parte del Cerro de la Nevería, en Mazatlán

It is along the Olas Altas promenade, in Claussen Promenade, where two workers, presumably from a construction company, can be seen with the naked eye, who operate the backhoe type machine where, from different angles, you can see that they “slice” one of the hills Emblematic of the port.

Resultado de imagen de Cerro de la Nevería

The area is protected with cyclonic mesh to prevent accidents between passersby. At the site you can see the debris being created as well as on the left side you can see a canvas where the name of the construction company and the permit number are cited.

Resultado de imagen de 'Rebanan' parte del Cerro de la Nevería, en Mazatlán

However, personnel working on the work denied any information as to what is being constructed


The Mazatlan Post