Mazatlan cruise ship tourist stop using Pulmonias


Cruise ship visitors prefer to do other activities than touring the bay aboard the traditional Mazatlan transport

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. Pulmonia drivers have been affected by the growing offer of public transport services and tour packages in the port.

The arrival of cruise ships and with it the arrival of foreign tourists, has ceased to excite drivers of such peculiar means of transport since their services are no longer as requested as before.

It is very bad, I have not taken more than two trips throughout the morning, it is very difficult, there is a lot of competition. 


Despite the considerable number of tourists arriving on cruise ships, many have hired some packages in advance from tourist companies, so they set aside public service.

The flow of tourists is good, what happens is that people are already very tired, do not want to know anything, or charge them very cheap or do not offer the service. Now they hire more buses because they go cheaper.

Jose Rivera

The dynamics of the tourist’s walk have changed over time, because now it is more frequent to see them walking along the Malecon and the main places of the city, than to hire a pulmonia to make the city tour.

It is very slow, tourists do not bring money, they are walking instead, I am 26 years old as a driver and I have noticed that every year the flow of passengers is decreasing, there is also a lot of public service here in Mazatlan, the competition is tough. 



There are around 500 pulmonias in the city, which have now been modernized without losing the essence of the traditional vehicle.

Source: el sol de mazatlan

The Mazatlan Post