By 2050 the elderly population will dominate in Mexico


A UNAM specialist mentioned that in 2050 there could be discouraging conditions for those over 60.

In 2050 the dominant population in Mexico will be senior citizens according to what is indicated by Isalia Nava, an academic from the Institute of Economic Studies of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

He mentioned that “the visible aging of the Mexican population, the living conditions of the elderly, as well as the crisis in health institutions” could lead to deficiencies and discouraging conditions for those over 60 years .

The academic stressed that the country is experiencing a ” visible aging process” and the projections of the National Population Council (Conapo), point out that by 2050 21.5% of the population equivalent to 32.4 million Mexicans will belong to the elderly.

According to data collected in 2017 by Conapo , the Mexican population was made up of 27% by children aged 0 to 14 years, while people of productive age between 15 and 64, had the equivalent of 66% and adults over 65 to 109 years made up 7% of the company.

“If you don’t take action today, this segment will be less likely to have social and economic security, ” which could only be reversed with a ” pension that meets your needs, ” said the academic.


The Mazatlan Post