Meet the magical violet cactus growing in the Durango desert


Meet the endemic species of purple cactus that grows in the enigmatic Zone of Silence of Durango.

The Zone of Silence in Durango has aroused an unusual interest for the enigmas and legends that surround it, but also for the flora and fauna that inhabit it, such as the species of cactus opuntia violacea that becomes violet in the frost season.

When the nopaleras turn purple, dozens of travelers arrive to this immense desert to see with their own eyes the color that this rare cacti showcases.

Purple nopal
But why does it turn purple? The reason why you get this purple color, which many describe as from another planet, is because the cactus is exposed to frost and drought during winter, but its color lasts until spring. This species that can grow up to a meter and a half tall, gives yellow flowers and magenta prickly pears.

In prehistoric times, this region was the Sea of ​​Thetis. As proof of this, marine fossils are visible in the desert sand.

The enigmas of Durango’s Zone of Silence
The story of the mysteries that surround it, was born when NASA’s Athena rocket lost control and fell into this region. Immediately, a NASA team mobilized to locate the device, but did not find it until several weeks later. The operations were carried out under a strong security protocol, so that the locals could not see the remains of the rocket, and that was when rumors spread about its origin and the reason why it fell in this area.

In addition, it has been said that there is a strong UFO activity in the area, and that in the “Silence Zone” is actually a magnetic cone that causes ionizations in the atmosphere blocking radio waves. All these rumors and legends have made this area an enigma.

Natural wealth
The Silence zone is part of the Bolsón de Mapimí Biosphere Reserve. It has a great biological richness with 350 species of plants, 270 species of vertebrates and endemic species, some in danger of extinction such as the Baggins turtle, the red-tailed eagle, the pale hawk, kestrel, bura deer, among others.

Mexico Desconocido

The Mazatlan Post