URGENT Need for Mazatlan Garbage Solution


Before imposing an incineration treatment plant, it is necessary to socialize the project and have the endorsement of experts: CEAA

David Ocampo Peraza, president of the Center for Agricultural and Environmental Education.

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The closure and replacement of the municipal dump is urgent, since it is a pollution problem that has lagged for years, but before imposing the proposal of a solid waste treatment plant with a combustion incineration process, the municipal government must socialize the project and have the opinion and endorsement of the experts; said the president of the Center for Agricultural and Environmental Education, 

David Ocampo Peraza.

Resultado de imagen para basurón municipal mazatlan

He said that a treatment plant that includes a previous recycling process sounds good at the outset, and also generates electricity through incineration; However, he indicated that the best options are those that directly exploit the largest volume of solid waste, have the lowest percentage of incineration and do not contaminate.

It would be necessary to see what strategy they are going to implement so that solid waste is used, and second, if the remaining by-product, which is subject to incineration, is within the possibilities, that is why the project must be well known and reviewed because this  is very urgent

David Ocampo Peraza

The Director of Public Services and the Director of Ecology and Environment, Luis Antonio González Olague and María de Lourdes San Juan Gallardo, agreed that the proposal for an incineration treatment plant as the best option to replace the landfill is analyzed.

The problem of garbage is not only its collection, but the most serious is its final destination: an open-air dump

González Olague said that this procedure includes boilers of grills for the incineration of waste, which would obtain electricity, asphalt, and material to build streets and sidewalks, in addition to having a previous process of recycling of plastics, cardboard, glass and metals, and another that purifies combustion gases.

This technique is already applied in the United States and Canada, where more than 50 plants operate, and in Europe, Germany is one of the countries with the most “factories” of this type.

The project is under analysis and if approved, Mazatlan would be the first city in all of Mexico and Latin America to have this technology in the treatment of solid waste.

David Ocampo stressed the importance of the municipal government analyzing several proposals, but above all that puts them for the consideration of society, through a process of dissemination and socialization, where social organizations can give their opinion and give their point of view.

Urgently, we are already behind in years with this problem of contamination, but that it is socialized, the key is that the project is socialized, that there is a period for people to know it, that it is disseminated, and that the corresponding authority requests the opinions respective 

David Ocampo Peraza


900 tons of garbage is collected daily in the city of Mazatlan.

1 kilogram of garbage per day generates each inhabitant of this city.

800 million pesos cost leaving the landfill and starting the project of a solid waste treatment plant in Mazatlan.

Source: el sol de mazatlan

The Mazatlan Post