Mazatlan still waiting for the installation of guard rails on Paseo del Pacífico Avenue


The Public Works Directorate indicates that it expects a prompt response from an insurance company

Mazatlan.-  Awaiting the installation of electronic guard rails on the railroad crossing on Paseo del Pacífico Avenue

The Director of Public Works, Juan de Dios Garay Velázquez, said they are waiting for the insurer of the individual who demolished the previous ones to place the new rails. 


However, it will be until that insurer gets a specialized technician for installation.

Garay Velázquez said that the insurer already had the necessary parts for the vehicle barriers, however, they were only waiting for the assembly specialist to be contacted. “Its installation requires a specialized technician.


The aforementioned guard rails were executed in the previous administration and that were lost due to a vehicle accident caused a little over a year ago.

Given this, the municipality filed a lawsuit against the individual that caused the damage and his road insurance would respond to the costs generated by the crash.

Source: el debate

The Mazatlan Post