Robberies out of control in the downtown area of Mazatlan; merchants ask for more vigilance


In recent days there have been armed robberies of shops located on Teniente Azueta Street

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. – Organized merchants from the City Center asked to extend the security vigilance to more sectors, not only in the first square of the city, to avoid assaults on businesses and people walking on the streets.

The president of the Association of Merchants for the Good of the Center of Mazatlan, María Dinora Corona Flores, reported that there have been robberies to shops located on Teniente Azueta Street.

“We had months that we had no problems, the first frame that has been the Pino Suarez market are the frames that are always more protected,” he said.

However, he said that it is important that the pictures of the city center that are a little further away, be given more priority, especially lighting is very important because those streets are not very well lit.

Corona Flores said that after the assault on the Coppel Serdán store, surveillance was reinforced, but the one who is always seeing how to steal, looks for ways where there is an oversight.

He revealed that last week they had a mishap with a merchant of Lieutenant Azueta, where he was robbed by hand as at 7:00 p.m., so more security is required in the following adjacent squares to what is Achilles Serdan, as Lieutenant Azueta, Genaro Estrada, Hidalgo, Morelos, March 21 and Ángel Flores.

He said that with the security cameras they have, they have seen that armed robberies have been registered to people who walk through those streets, so more vigilance is required.

According to the numbers of the general coordinator of the Municipal Council of Public Security in Mazatlan, Guillermo Romero, the month of June closed with 65 robberies to shops and in house room 39, and July with 39 robberies to commerce and 26 to house room.


Achilles Serdan

Lieutenant Azueta

Genaro Estrada



March 21st

Angel Flores

Source: el sol de mazatlan

The Mazatlan Post