Mexico, not China, is the most favored manufacturing base for companies in the United States.
There are many reasons for this, but the most important is the ability for companies to reduce their expenses while increasing their revenue by manufacturing in Mexico.
It is literally right across the border from Texas, and NovaLink has well-developed supply chains.Inexpensive, but skilled Maquiladoras Labor
Mexican laborers, whose wages are 30 % lower than China, are skilled in auto-making and equipment industries, as well as other labor-intensive industries, such as clothing and textiles.
Increased Investment in Mexico
Following the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994, Mexico saw a surge in manufacturing investments and, after a significant share of factory work went to China when they entered the World Trade Organization in 2001, the pendulum is now swinging back in Mexico’s favor.Free-trade Agreements Covering 44 Countries
Mexico has free-trade agreements with 44 countries. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) provides access manufacturers in Mexico from the USA and Canada. The Mexican government encourages foreign investments.
The Mazatlan Post with information from