Sinaloa: Rio Quelite jumps its banks


The locals see it as normal, however, when this happens they are affected because the water enters their homes

El Quelite .- It was Thursday around 05:00 in the morning when the river began to enter homes in the area. 

Daniel Castillo and Julio Ríos Espinosa are inhabitants of the union and have lived since childhood in the place.

This is of all time but if it is of care especially the danger in children, they 
express both. 

Vicente Valenzuela, is originally from Guasave Sinaloa and together with his family they visited the Mexico Town and met the magnitude of the current in the river, the family was impressed with the force.

“There is a lot of current, it’s impressive,” Vicente said.

Source: el debate, adnportal

The Mazatlan Post