Pumping sumps needed in the Golden Zone of Mazatlan to avoid flooding


The Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism, and Fisheries in Mazatlan said that this issue will be taken up again with the State Government since it is a problem that has affected the city for years

Mazatlan, Sin.- Private constructions in Mazatlan, in the rainy season, stop because the builders themselves know that in these times several parts of the city are flooded, especially the Golden Zone, that is why they take precautions to avoid some kind of affectation in his works, said David Gonzales Torrentera.

The Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism and Fisheries in Mazatlan said that the Federal Government was presented with a package of about 6 billion pesos, where we contemplated works of pumping sump for the storms and thus avoid flooding, in this way the city council seeks work together with the State Government to address this issue, since what is sought is to improve this situation in the different areas of the city.

“We are working on projects through funds such as the metropolitan. We do not know why the previous administrations had never worked or thought that the floods could be solved through the realization of pumping sumps, we are seeing the issue with the government of the State, because yes, a pumping sump would solve in a good way the issue of the floods in that area. ”

The official said that this problem has been presented for many years in the tourist area of ​​Mazatlan; However, he does not know the reasons why the previous administrations never worked or thought about solving it through the construction of pumping sump, as the current government headed by Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres is doing.     

Source: lineaa directa

The Mazatlan Post