Mazatlan: Sea lions rescued are out of danger


The Isla de Guadalupe specimens recover surprisingly thanks to the care and attention in Mazatlan Aquarium

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- After three months of special care and attention by specialized personnel from Mazatlan Aquarium, the fine wolves of Isla de Guadalupe are out of danger, said Pablo Rojas Zepeda, director of the paramunicipal.

The specimens are female and male of 4 and 6 years of age, respectively. The first was rescued in the breakwater of the Isla de la Piedra in March, and the second three weeks later in Playa de El Caimanero.

“The truth is that we are surprised at how they have reacted favorably here in Aquarius (…) they have been followed up,” said Rojas Zepeda.

Sea lions 18 06

The biologist said that the institution is ready to start a breeding program with them, however, it will depend on what the Federal Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection says in the next two months.

“We as an institution are in the best disposition, we have the means to do it and I believe that the rapid recovery that they have had shows that here in Aquarius we can and we are able to take this program,” he concluded.

Source: reaccion informativa

The Mazatlan Post