Mazatlan Mayor to cancel the popular VBike public bicycles rentals


Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres assured that these bicycles do not have any benefit for the city, since it is only a private business

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Although it is a means of ecological transport and used by thousands of Mazatlan, the mayor of Mazatlan, Luis Guillermo Benitez Torres announced that he is already analyzing the possibility of canceling the VBike bicycles, which are for rent, Because it ensures, they do not generate a benefit for the citizens, because they do not contribute money to the municipal coffers and it is only a private business.

“I am evaluating to see if I cancel this agreement that will not help anything in Mazatlan. The city does not receive a peso because a private group benefits. That was the request of the State Government, which we supported because it was a very affordable price for citizenship and we saw it as part of support for mobility but what benefit the city has if they only come to do business, “he said.

Benitez Torres said that there are some state secretaries who do not respect the municipality, because they only want to arrive and install the bicycles without respecting the agreement that was in the beginning.

“We have had many differences, because some secretaries, not all, state secretaries are accustomed to not respect the municipal presidencies. They want not to comply with permits, they do not want to request permits from the City Council. I have had to raise them twice because there is a signed commitment and they do not comply, “he said.

The ‘Chemist’ Benítez explained that it was already tried to place the Vbike bicycles in the Historical Center, however these were placed in the middle of the street, affecting of course the road circulation.

“Remember that my obligation is to respect the city, in such a way that one day without being informed dawned on the street of the Historic Center signs to put bicycles; we can not travel due to lack of space and they are looking for a private benefit, taking the city as a hostage “; pointed out

The Municipal President regretted that there was no respect for the pre-established agreement, since it was originally stated that bicycles would be placed in popular neighborhoods where transportation is needed, and not in the tourist area.

“They asked us to have a bit of understanding, to make an agreement where it was very clear that they had to first enable the places where they do not have mobility and they are very busy, and if they did not comply, we could not move forward,” he said.

“They are eager to go to tourist places to benefit. We will have to do it according to the agreement we made, and the lack of respect on their part has been on many issues, “he added.

Source: quepasaenmazatlanlinea

The Mazatlan Post