Mazatlan Mayor confirms he will not renew public bicycle program


Since an agreement and contracts are not respected by the State, the Municipality will not give more permits for the installation of public bicycles, said the municipal president, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres. 

The Mayor expressed his displeasure against some state officials, who insist on maintaining vices and bad habits, in addition to wanting to ignore the municipal authority and impose their law, so it is almost certain that the agreement to maintain the program will not be renewed. “Muevete Chilo” in Mazatlan.

“We are seriously thinking about ending the agreement with the company that brought the bicycles to Mazatlan. At the time commitments were established for the purpose that would be installed bicycle points but were not met and we will not allow these vices, in addition to the municipality does not receive any benefit by this agreement, “he said. 
Benitez Torres insisted that some state secretaries are used to doing whatever they please, but that is over. 

Source: rasnoticias

The Mazatlan Post