Held in Altata, participate Isapesca, Sectur, Navolato City Council, Promotora PTBA and service providers.
Altata, Navolato, May 30, 2019.- “The instruction of Governor Quirino Ordaz is that we are a single team with one objective; improve the quality of life in the fishing fields for their fishermen, families and children; and, for future generations today we have to think about innovation, about different things and from ISAPESCA, apart from what corresponds to us in technical and scientific aspects we have added the social aspect, where we are celebrating a series of agreements in many areas in benefit of You “.
So said, the general director of the Sinaloa Institute of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Maribel Chollet Morán, within the framework of the realization of the first Course of Introduction to Tourism Culture for fishermen, in Altata, municipality of Navolato.
In this first course, of seven programmed, Jorge Luis López, director of Economic Development and Tourism of Navolato also participated; Hugo Leal from PTBA promoter; while by the Secretary of State Tourism, the director of Training, Valeria González and Juan Carlos Godoy, of the direction of Promotion and Special Events.
In his participation, Jorge Luis Lopez said that currently there is much interest from the fishermen of the municipality in training, when “we fought for a while”, understanding that only working together and in a team can be a greater benefit for the people of Navolato.
“Everything we can add in terms of efforts, training and projects to the brand-destination is welcome; and we are pleased with the integration of ISAPESCA. “
For her part, Maribel Chollet expressed to the participants that as long as there is no willingness and integration among the actors of the sector, it will be difficult to bring benefits to the fishing fields.
“Today we can not play in different courts. We have to stop seeing the obstacles and barriers that prevent us from accessing the well-being of all Mexicans and putting that objective above any personal interest. “
The director of ISAPESCA said that all Sinaloa has a natural vocation towards tourism to which fishermen, without abandoning fishing, can be integrated through a tourism culture, care for the environment and seeking sustainability, because a reality , is the fact that the depredation of some species has been the product of the same hand of man.
I see in the fishing fields, without distinction, the interest of strengthening the productivity and development of the fisherman and their families, with which I see a fertile field to do new and different things; being the tourist aspect an alternative that would be complemented with the fishing vocation; concluded.
Once the training course concluded, held at the facilities of the CET Mar; Maribel Chollet Morán conducted a monitoring tour of fishing areas, with the objective of evaluating and taking advantage of the fishing and aquaculture infrastructure available throughout the state, as well as the environmental conditions suitable for the development of shrimp.
Source: sel
The Mazatlan post