Ecology department to regulate visual pollution in Mazatlan


Planning and Urban Development is responsible for issuing permits to install ads

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Visual contamination abounds in the port, main roads and commercial corridors are infested.

Lourdes Sanjuán Gallardo, director of Municipal Ecology, commented that the Municipal Ecology Regulation does empower them to regulate visual pollution, but does not establish guidelines.

“In the regulation it tells us that we have the power to regulate, but it does not tell us how, there is no procedure,” he said.


The work to issue permits for advertising has Urban Planning and Development and while Ecology has the power to regulate, it can not do anything.

“Right now, the cases that have come to us through the citizen complaint, we have been solving them with the Implan and Urban Planning and Development,” he said.

“We want ecology to have a technical opinion of whether it is contamination or not,” he added.

Sanjuán Gallardo said that any advertisement that hinders or distracts the vision is considered visual contamination.

He explained that it will be sought that Municipal Ecology issue an opinion in favor or against the request to install an advertisement.

Source: reaccion informativa

The Mazatlan Post