Many people think that investing is extremely complicated, that a lot of money is required, that investing is only for big businessmen. These ideas were valid for many years, however, at present, we do not have to be finance scholars, we have several accessible investment options and with yields superior to those of traditional institutions.

Nowadays, investing is not an option, it is a necessity. The money we save will allow us to face an accident, an illness, a layoff, a natural disaster; It will allow us to live without worries if we no longer want or can not work.

In Finerio we want you to have healthy finances by tracking your expenses so that you can save and then invest. Therefore, after reviewing the main investment modalities, we recommend some of the most accessible options with better earnings.

1. Cetes

The Treasury Certificates of the Federation, better known as CETES , are bonds issued by the government that are classified as insurance because it is the government that issues them and who agrees to pay the money in a certain term, plus yields. In other words, it is lending money to the government and generating profits.

▪ You can invest from 100 pesos.

▪ The terms to invest are 28, 91, 182 and 364 days . At the end of the term you choose, you will receive the returns on your investment on time.

Cetes are financial instruments that have higher interest rates than several of the investment or savings funds of banking institutions.

▪ The annual returns you can obtain are:

  • 1 day = 8.04% *
  • 1 month = 8.09%
  • 3 months = 8.11%
  • 6 months = 8.23%
  • 1 year = 8.20%

The interest rate that you will obtain at the end of the investment term is initially agreed upon.

* The BONDDIA investment fund also available at CetesDirecto, has daily availability (on banking business days) and has a variable yield, that is, some days you can earn more than others.

▪ How to invest? You can create an account at where you will have tools to perform operations easily and safely.

If this is your first time and you need more advice, go to where you have access to all the tools, but you also have a consultant who makes recommendations and can even make changes for you if you have problems.

▪ What do you need? You need to be of legal age, your CURP, RFC, Domicile, CLABE interbank or debit card number of an account of which you are the owner, and put any beneficiary or beneficiaries in case of death.

▪ Commissions. Does not charge commissions or additional charges.

▪ Others. eye! The Cetes are auctioned every Tuesday , so you must buy them at most one business day before the auction date that interests you.

If you want to know more about this instrument, consult Guide to invest in Cetes

2. Kubo Financial

Kubo brings people who need a loan with people who want to invest and want to have higher returns than those offered by traditional institutions. Kubo Financiero offers its services online to make them accessible to anyone. That is, it works under the fintechs peer to peer lending (P2P) model in Mexico.

Kubo Financiero is constituted as a Sofipo, so it is an entity authorized and regulated by the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) and the Condusef, so you will have a place to go in case of any problem. In addition, your savings is assured by the IPAB for 25 thousand Units (UDIS).

Product Kubo.plazofijo

▪ You can invest from $ 100 in kubo.plazofijo , in which the best payers are selected.

▪ The term to invest is from 7 days to 360 days.

▪ The annual returns you can obtain are:

  • 7 days = 5.50%
  • 28 days = 7.60%
  • 90 days = 7.90%
  • 180 days = 8.50%
  • 360 days = 11.00%

The annual interest rate is paid at the expiration of the term contracted.

▪ How to invest? The process is very simple. You just have to create your account, fill out a form, sign a digital contract, transfer the money to invest and select how much you want to invest in Kubo.plazofijo and if you want to reinvest it at expiration.

The investment sheet tells you exactly the interest rate and how much money you will receive at the end of the term. You can invest at any time of the day, even on weekends and holidays.

▪ Commissions. It does not charge commissions when investing in Kubo.plazofijo. It only charges the transfer of funds ($ 4.31 plus VAT, per event) and is charged from the third transaction per month.

▪ Promotions. They constantly offer promotions like $ 300 in gift cards to encourage you to invest, so, do not stop opening your account.

Product Kubo.impulso

▪ You can invest from $ 10,000 in kubo.impulso.

The maximum you can invest per ticket is 0.5% of your available balance in kubo.impulso.

You will obtain your performance through the payment made by each of the borrowers and you will also assume the risk that one of them does not pay. For this reason, they help you build a diversified portfolio of at least 40 projects.

▪ The term to invest is from 4 months to 18 months.

▪ The annual returns that you can obtain are variable:

  • If you invest in all terms and in all profiles or interest rates, you will have an estimated annual return of 16.67%.
  • If you invest in profiles of C, D and E, in a period of 10 to 18 months, investing only in women, you can have an estimated annual return of 18.02%.

3. Doopla

Doopla is an online P2P loan platform, you can lend your money and thereby earn attractive investment returns. Doopla operates since 2015 and is currently on the “30 promises of the 2019 business” list of Forbes magazine.  

The platform selects who requests a loan through criteria such as: level of income, ability to pay, age, seniority. Based on these data, an interest rate is determined and therefore a level of risk of default. Then you select the borrowers you want to lend to.

Doopla is characterized because it has high yield rates and at the same time it is a good option, if you want to request a loan because it offers very low interest rates.

▪ You can invest from $ 2,500 .

Yields annual average of 16%.

We recommend investing in different profiles of people to reduce the risk of someone not paying you. In addition, diversifying will also help you to take more risks and lend to someone who pays you a higher interest rate and have more profits. For example.

  • Portfolio 1:12 months + (12% + 15% + 18%) = Estimated annual return 14%.
  • Portfolio 2:
  • 24 months + (20% + 26% + 32%) = Estimated annual yield 26%

▪ What do you need? All you need is an official photo ID, a bank account with CLABE and an online digital contract signature.

▪ How to invest? You create an account, you transfer the money you want to invest to Doopla and once you have your money in the platform, you review in detail the requests, your level of income and expenses, why they need the money and if you have any questions you can ask directly to the appliers. If you have already chosen who to lend to, just add it to the cart and confirm your investment.

▪ Commissions. You should know that Doopla charges you a commission of 1% plus VAT, only for each monthly payment you receive from the borrowers, for example, $ 50 will charge you $ 0.5. Remember that you do not have to do collection work or anything, you just have to check your account statement.

▪ Promotions. In addition to everything, if a friend invites you to invest, they pay you $ 500 to make your first investment.

We recommend you read: What not to do when investing .

4. Afluenta

Afluenta is an online P2P loan platform, you can lend your money and thereby have generous returns. This platform has several advantages that other platforms do not have. For example:

With Afluenta Planifico you can configure investment criteria and the system will automatically select the projects that fit your needs. For example, you can indicate that $ 600 is invested in all education projects, and with that you can have an average yield of 25%. With this you avoid losing time in catching an education project and you have good returns.

With Afluenta Gestiono you can monitor the collection management of the loans in which you have decided to invest.

With Afluenta Exchange you can get your money when you need it, offering at auction your portfolio loans grouped in portfolios to other investors. This is wonderful because you do not necessarily have to wait until the period in which you invested to recover your money expires.

▪ You can invest from $ 5,000.

If you want to add new funds to your account in Afluenta, the minimum amount of re-investment is $ 1,000.

New investors with less than $ 200,000 can invest up to 3% per credit and with a minimum of $ 50.

▪ Afluenta has an estimated annual yield of 25.1%.

You can combine investment portfolios with different annual interest rates and different terms. For example.

  • Portfolio 112 months + 18 months + 24 months + 36 months + 48 months + investment in all profiles, from AA to D = Estimated annual return 23.6%.
  • Portfolio 2( 18 months + investment in profiles from AA to F) + ( 24 months + investment in AA and A profiles) + ( 36 months + investment in profiles from AA to F) + ( 48 months + investment in profiles D and E) =Estimated annual yield 27%

▪ What do you need? You only need to be Mexican, be over 18 years old, have an RFC, have a bank account and justify the funds that are contributed to the system.

▪ How to invest? The process to invest is very simple. You create an account, transfer the money you want to invest, review the applications in detail, select and confirm your investment.

▪ Commissions

  • Account Opening (one time only): $ 100 plus VAT management of the commercial commission contract.
  • Commission for portfolio management: 2% plus VAT on fees charged on loans.

Portfolio Exchange Commission: 1% plus VAT of the funds exchanged.

5. Yo Te Presto

It is a peer to peer lending platform that connects people who need a loan with people who want to invest.

I lend you has more than 600 thousand registered users, has generated more than $ 30 million in delivered returns and has only 1.5% of past due loans. This last data is very important, in which you should look at when choosing a P2P investment platform , since it is the percentage of people who may not be able to pay you.

I lend you is characterized because they are very strict when they receive loan applications, they reject 96 of every 100 requests they receive. Thus, you as an investor have 97% of receiving your money and earnings.

▪ You can invest from 200 pesos.

▪ The term to invest is from 12 months.

▪ On average you can have an annual yield of 17.5% and up to 38.90% per year . However, the returns you can get are variable.

There are different profiles and rates, so the recommendation is always to diversify in terms and rates. For example, you can choose different projects with different profiles of loan applicants:

  • Portfolio 1:24 months + Profiles A1 8.90% + B2 16.90% + C3 26.90% = Estimated annual yield 17.5%
  • Portfolio 2: 36 months + Profiles A4 11.90% + B5 19.90% + C5 32.90% = Estimated annual yield 21.56%

▪ How to invest? Just sign up, transfer funds to your account and choose which loans you want to invest in. Receive the return on your investments monthly in your account.

▪ Commissions. I lend you a commission of 1% on the payments you receive from each loan in which you have invested. For $ 50, you discount $ 0.50 per event.

Czech: Investing in the short or long term?

6. Briq

Briq is a platform for collective funding in real estate. It connects investors with real estate developers who require financing. After a very strict process of evaluation by Briq, only the best real estate projects are selected, Briq publishes the projects and then brings together people so that they can invest from accessible amounts.

This platform has more than 16,000 registered users and has managed to fund more than 176 million pesos in 84 different campaigns. With this, they have generated more than 11 million pesos in yields.

▪ You can invest from $ 5,000 .

You should know that there are two types of investment instruments with different terms.

Senior Debt

It has a fixed annual rate with yields every three months and with very low investment amounts. For example:

  • $ 5,000 + 24 months = Estimated annual return 13% . Possible payment of interest from month 6.
  • $ 20,000.00 + 24 months = Estimated annual return 10.60% . Possible payment of interest from month 12.
  • $ 25,000 + 24 months = Estimated annual return 11.75% . Possible payment of interest from month 5.

Preferential Debt

The Preferred Debt has an estimated annual rate (generally, the earnings are higher, compared to the Senior Debt), so the amount of investment is higher and the returns are paid upon completion of the project. For example:

  • $ 1,000 + 6 months = Estimated annual return 14.00%.
  • $ 50,000 + 12 months = Estimated annual return 16.00%.
  • $ 35,000 + 16 months = Estimated annual return 17.00%.

▪ How to invest? You just have to register on the page, so you can know in detail the real estate projects, such as the developer’s information and the guarantee, the rate of return, as well as the terms and conditions that it offers. Also, in the platform you can access the analysis and documentation of each development that supports its viability.

When you know in detail the project that interests you and determine the amount to invest, you send your investment intention and you will receive an email with the deposit instructions and the investment prospectus, that is, more detail of the campaigns. Once you make the transfer, the money is received, but it does not go directly to the developers, but it is invested in a fixed income fund of Grupo Bursátil Mexicano, Casa de Bolsa, and generates interest, while the campaign reaches an amount minimum.

After concluding the funding stage of the campaign, the financing is granted to the developers. Your investment will be registered and you will receive an investment receipt, then you will obtain returns within the agreed period. By receiving your capital and interest you can withdraw them or reinvest them in other projects.

As in the other investment platforms, it is recommended to invest in several real estate projects, to minimize the risks of default and obtain better yields.

7. Inverspot

It is a platform of collective funding in real estate very similar to Briq. Inverspot filters participation under strict account management, so that your investment is not affected at any time.

Inverspot thoroughly reviews the history, works performed, references, experience, financial situation and everything related to the developer. Performs scouting, analysis of the area, permits, deeds, financial viability, project size, market study and everything related to development to participate.

They close the operation with contracts and clauses that protect your participation at all times.

Through Fisol Finantial Solutions, a Multiple Purpose Financial Corporation (Sofom), offers the guarantee of returning the money without penalties if required by the investor.

▪ You can invest from $ 50,000 .

▪ Returns are variable according to the amount of investment and the term, but depend on each development. For example,

  • Real estate development 1:$ 50,000 + 15-17 months = Estimated annual return 21-23%.
  • Real estate development 2:$ 100,000 + 15-17 months = Estimated annual return 22-24%.

▪ How to invest? You have to fill out a form and you must have your data and a valid ID (INE or Passport) at hand at hand.

You must review the term, amount and performance that suits you. You can choose between the different options.

Once you have selected the development of your preference, you must fill out an application to participate. Shortly, one of your advisors will contact you to corroborate your data and schedule the signature of your contract.

Inverspot is a good alternative to invest, the only disadvantage is the initial amount of investment, compared to other platforms.

8. Playbusiness 

It is one of the two platforms in Mexico of equity crowdfunding, that is, it is not a debt, but an investment that will give you a part of a company, a startup or a franchise.

Playbusiness has allowed companies to obtain financing without having to borrow and ordinary people, giving us the opportunity to support Mexican companies in growth, without looking like a complicated process.

The information presented by employers is very clear. It has a part of with all the legal information and implications when signing the contract. You can ask questions to applicants during the funding stage.

This platform gives you the opportunity to pay in the months indicated by the employer, three months for example.

After reaching the amount requested by the company, you can keep informed about the progress of the company in which you invested by reviewing the periodic reports that the entrepreneur will publish on the platform.

It has several ways to spread the profits can be fixed yields, shares (as an action), among others.

As in the other platforms, you should review the projects, know their risks and the guarantees they offer.

▪ You can invest from $ 7,500.

▪ The returns are variable. For example:

  • Franchise 1$ 7,500 + (4.99 – 6.77 years) = Estimated annual return 22.8% – 29.5%.
  • Franchise 2$ 7,500 + (3.98 – 7.52 years) = Estimated annual return 15.0% – 34.8% per year.

▪ How to invest? Register on the platform, review in detail the information of the applicants. Select the company you want to invest in, make the payment and that’s it.

In conclusion, these crowdfunding and investment platforms have several filters to make your investment safe, but as in any investment there are risks. Before investing, you should always inform yourself well about the instrument in which you are going to invest; understand all the terms that are used; do not invest the money you use for fixed expenses such as rent, tuition, food expenses; variable expenses or emergency fund; and finally do not put all the eggs in a basket. Diversify your investments in various investment projects!

On the other hand, comment on what other platform have you invested and how was your experience?

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Finerio is the first application in Mexico to track your monthly expenses and budgets in an automated way and thus increase your savings, totally free.

Source: finerio

The Mazatlan Post