Team Of Mexican Students Plan To Build Floating City, Win 1st Place In U.S.-Mexico Engineering Competition


Big vision and excellent execution for the win.

A team of Mexican engineering students from UNAM, Mexico’s National Autonomous University, won first place at the Blue Sky Competition, a contest that recognizes innovation and sustainability in engineering. 

With their proposal for a “100% sustainable” floating city, the students, Carlos Alberto Ibarra, Sara Palma, Jesus Alejandro Marquez, Juan Carlos Garcia, Ricardo Alarcon, and Edwin Rodriguez, beat out teams from eighteen universities, four Mexican and fourteen U.S.

The competition “aims to bring students face to face with some of the greatest civil engineering challenges of the 21st century, while reducing environmental impact and encouraging the use of clean energy,” Carlos explains.

To win first place, the team designed a city that is not only environmentally sustainable (i.e. not harm or deplete environmental resources), but self-sustaining, even in the middle of the ocean, with its own methods of food production and water purification.

The team has been invited to participate next at the global level, against teams from China, Canada, and other nations from around the world.

Source: wearelatinlive

The Mazatlan Post