Colorado Springs woman brutally murdered in Mazatlan Identified


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) – A Colorado Springs woman was brutally murdered in Mexico, according to family members and Mexican newspapers.

According to a story in the Mazatlan Post, a woman’s body was found, beaten to death at an apartment on Isla De La Pierda. Relatives of Holly Horsman say the U.S. Consulate in Mexico contacted them, confirming the identity.

The family is staying in contact with authorities while the investigation continues. They say Horsman traveled to Mexico around a year and a half ago to start a business. She was 49 years old.

The family is trying to get her remains back to Colorado. They have started a GoFundMe Page raise funds:

Horsman, also known by her maiden name Anderson, grew up in Colorado Springs and graduated from Harrison High School in 1987. Relatives say she planned on returning to the U.S. soon.

KKTV News was unable to reach the consulate in Mexico.

Murder of Colorado Springs woman puts Mazatlan in red light status says Immujer

María del Carmen Ramírez, Director of the Municipal Women’s Institute.

The municipality states that the Isla de la Piedra is not within the colonies of alarm in a matter of intrafamily violence

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. After two months of apparent calm, the murder of an American woman on the Isla de la Piedra would put Mazatlan in red lights in a matter of feminicidal violence, said María del Carmen Ramírez, Director of the Municipal Women’s Institute.

Ramírez Morales said that the murder is being investigated as a femicide by the Vice Prosecutor’s Office, and is not ruled out as such due to the blows that the victim presented on his face.

This would be the second feminicide committed in Mazatlan, the first occurred on January 25, in Real del Valle.

“We were working very hard, but progress has stalled, however, with this is unfortunate and we are going to continue working because the Gender Alert is still active in Mazatlan,” she said.

“There was that hope that the situation was improving, but this unfortunate fact happens,” she added.

Still not typified as feminicide ?, she was questioned.

“We still do not know, but because of the blows, she points out that yes, and that already puts us in red light status, and it keeps us down because the femicides,” she said.

She stressed that the Isla de la Piedra does not enter the colonies with incidence to intrafamilial violence, such as Colonia Lázaro Cárdenas or Pradera Dorada.

Source: kktv, reaccion informativa

The Mazatlan Post