Mazatlan: Sewage in the Toreo neighborhood a Public Health Problem


Letter to Mayor Benítez

Very angry and annoying are neighbors of the El Toreo community, mainly the 40 families that live in Eloy Cavazos Street, who have already delivered a letter addressed to the mayor of Mazatlan, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, in the Municipal Presidency and in the Office of Regidores. where they explain that more than a month ago they face a public health problem because of the terrible work of the Constructora Michel in the handling of the drainage pipes.

They say that since March 22 they began work to replace the plumbing of the sanitation network, but in these weeks there have been many problems that have been presented by the spill of black water and bad odors. They have not given a date of completion of work and also the work is observed very slowly.

In the letter to Mayor Benítez Torres, they point out that on April 22, the collector overflowed the Avenida de La Marina with overflowing sewage; The Michel company did not have the capacity to deal with the emergency, although Jumapam resolved the situation.

They also ask that the paving stone in Cavazos Street be reconstructed with the best quality cement, and that Megacable and Telmex be asked to remove the aerial wiring and enter it underground. In passing also, the colonists take advantage to demand change of luminaires by LED type lamps.

But the most important thing is that they remove the bad smells, which prevent more blackwater spillage and finish the work as soon as possible.

The letter to the mayor is three pages, although two are pure signatures of the settlers headed by Carlota Osuna, Porfirio Mendoza, Martha Alicia Ibarra, Miguel Angel Lora, Miguel Izaguirre and María Guadalupe Aguirre, among 35 others.

Source: Sel

The Mazatlan Post