Mexico, the North Cup cannabis competition arrives and it will be on 4/20


In the capital of the Mexican state of Nuevo León, Monterrey , the Copa Norte cannabis competition will be held. And since it could not be another day, it will be on April 4 or 4/20, the world day of marijuana.

The Cannabis Cup or event dedicated to growers and users of cannabis in Mexico , Copa Norte, will be located in an excellent location to celebrate the awarding of the flowers and extracts that will compete.

The cannabis event of the North Cup is organized by Blog cannabico and THC Crew .

The cup will start at 12:00 pm on 4/20 and end at 10:00 pm. The space dedicated to the event will have all the services for the comfort and relaxation of the attending public.

There will be an exhibition area where the different stands of products and services will be located. There will be a food and vegetarian area, there is also a picnic area and of course, a pool to cool off. The cup will be enlivened by music. There will also be a space to shelter from the rain, should it appear. For the tranquility of the assistants to the North Cup will have private security.

The North Cup will feature two luxury presenters such as Alfredo Green Screen and Naty Sativa Frequency

North Cup Judges

The cannabis competition will have a team of internationally and nationally renowned judges:

Gastón Durana began in 2001 with intensive cultivation for personal consumption, and later in 2007 he opened his GrowShop Cañuto Cañete in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2015, in Oregon, United States, he goes on consultancies in medicinal cannabis season crops for THC Farms.

Alexander Zuluag  is part of the organizing team of the El Copo Cup in Colombia, gaining experience during the last two editions of El Copo (Copa and Showroom). He is well-known as an entrepreneur of projects in the cannabis industry and has extensive knowledge in extractions and processes of crop transformation and cannabis residues for reuse in new processes. That is why he will accompany us as a judge sharing his experience and knowledge in cultivation.

Polita Pepper(Cannativa AC) is licensed in Anthropology by the National School of Social Anthropology by the Center for Research and Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS) and currently doing the Doctorate in Social Anthropology in the ENAH conducting research on the issue of cannabis production in indigenous communities. Coordinator of Academic Liaison and Workshop of the Civil Association CANNATIVA AC (Association of multidisciplinary studies of medicinal plants and entéogenos). Collaborator of the cannabis culture magazines: Cáñamo and Haze. She is part of the motor group of the Latin American Network of Cannabis Women since its creation in 2016. Scientific Outreach Committee of ExpoMedeweed and Seminar on Endomedicine and complementary therapies in Colombia. Academic Coordinator of the Latin American Social Cannabis Forum.

Héctor Becerra (Good Vibes).

Eduardo Zafra (SRGS) is passionate about cannabis and for 23 years has documented in Mexico the cannabis culture that is lived in the streets and in different contexts, from photography, video and literature. She directed the “Mariahuana Cultivadores Mexicana” self-cultivation series that aired on her Youtube channel with locations in Puebla, Toluca, Mexico City and California. He also writes the section “Chronicles of Smoke” in the newspaper La Dosis, belongs to the team of Santa Rosa Green Seeds and created the first international meeting of harm reduction and risks with cannabis extractions called La Trijinera Cannabica.

Ana Ibarrola (Dispensario Fumanchu)

Erick M. (MCCM).

And if you want to be a judge

In the North Cup you can be a judge. In this competition can be accessed in the form of a judge, for this, you must register prior payment of $ 4,200. This privileged access includes a kit of samples of participating flowers. Also the coexistence with the judges and the opportunity to vote together with the other participants who acquire their access to add votes.


The trophies or Prizes will be:

Trophy for the best indoor and outdoor flower: this award will be taken by the flower with the best taste and appearance without forgetting that it is not contaminated.

Best Rosin Trophy : Rosin with the best taste and smell will take home the prize

Trophy for the best extract with solvent: BHO, CO2, RSO among others. The purest extract wins.

Trophy for the best extract without solvent: Live Resin, Burbble Hash among others

Where it will be celebrated

The exact location of the North Cup will be revealed one day before the cup through the means of contact that will be granted to the attendees.

A Cannabis Cup that wants to be a before and after in the Cannabis Cups circuit in Latin America.

The North Cup, a cup that will have to talk!


The Mazatlan Post