Proudly Mexican: Women who inspire the country


Without fame or power; They set the example with their work and are part of our list of important women in Mexico.

Sinaloa .- Women’s Day is commemorated more than 50 years ago in our country, so it is necessary to highlight the work of all those women who through their actions fight for their people, for rights and justice, and also they represent Mexico before the world.

Lorena Ramírez.

She is a rarámuri runner of 23 years of age who has put the name of our country at the top, placing herself in third place in the Tenerife European ultramarathon Blouetrail. To his list of wins is added that he has won five times a 100 km ultramarathon in his native Chihuahua. Lorena does not need to wear sports clothes or advanced technology to win each of her careers; she simply does it by wearing her traditional skirt and her plastic huaraches.

Maria Salguero.

Applying their knowledge, the geophysicist Maria Salguero managed to create an interactive map in Google to make a monthly count of the violent deaths of women in our country. It has been recognized by the academic authorities and some civil associations for their work. To date, Maria says that her life has changed completely; He left his trade and some friendships, but he assures that he is not afraid to continue with conviction.

Ana Baquedano

Barely being a psychology student, Ana Baquedano got her bill passed in 2018, which punishes six months to five years in prison for all people who resort to “pornovenganza”; publication, threat and / or dissemination of erotic, sexual or pornographic images (taken with or without the consent of the person affected), by means of telephone messages, social networks and any other means. 

Saskia Niño de Rivera.

At 24, Saskia and her Reinserta Foundation work not only with women who are in prison, but also with their children who are born and live there with them. The mission with the children is to teach them not to repeat family patterns and to know that life in prison is not as normal as they see it growing and living there. In addition, they have a “Halfway House” for teenagers who are in the process of social reintegration, after being imprisoned for serious crimes.

Xóchitl Guadalupe Cruz López.

The little Xóchitl became her only 8 years old, the first girl to win the “ICN Recognition for Women”, of the UNAM in 2018. This recognition is given to those women who demonstrate outstanding skills for dissemination work scientific The girl from Chiapas got recognition by creating a solar water heater from recycled materials.

These women are a source of inspiration for the country and for all Mexicans who, from home, work or school struggle to assert their voice and their ideology, restoring the hope of society; they are women who stand out for their hard work and their knowledge and courage, and are proudly Mexican.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post