Cold front affects pulmonias in Mazatlan


Mazatlan, Sin .- Up to 50 percent decreased the demand for pneumonia service in recent weeks due to the low influx of tourists and recrudescence to the cold front number 40, registered the last week in Sinaloa, said drivers from the port of Mazatlan.

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“It’s worse than January even, it’s very very bad, right now this month. The first two weeks were very, very heavy. Right now with the cold weather, we had very little work, because of the cold this week. The lack of tourism is the problem. “

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In addition to these two conflicts, transporters accuse the overexploitation of pulmonias as another major problem.

“And we go back to the bad again, thanks to the fact that there is too much transport, too much, that transport secretary who left earlier, gave more concessions and the business is really bad”

In spite of the bad streak registered in the last weeks, the spirit does not decrease in the pulmonia drivers, since they wait for the most important seasons of the year as they are the Carnival and the Holy Week.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post