Mazatlan on two wheels with new bike system


The program starts with 11 biciports along the boardwalk, but will integrate the historic center and the linear park.

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Mazatlan is at the height of other tourist destinations with the public bike system “Muévete Chilo, Sinaloa” , an efficient, healthy, safe, ecological and low cost service, said the state governor, Quirino Ordaz. Coppel, when starting the program together with the Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco, and the mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres.

This alternative will be very useful for short trips at a rate of 5 pesos per simple trip and at a much lower cost if you acquire a monthly, semi-annual or annual membership, which means great savings for your pocket, the president added. 

He stressed that it is about generating more attractions for sustainable mobility in favor of pedestrians and cyclists, and this is possible by teaming with Mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez and with the support of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The start of the program was headed by the state governor, Quirino Ordaz Coppel. 

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The Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marqués, recognized the importance of having more attractive mobility options in Mazatlan for visitors.

The tourist is increasingly demanding and development is necessary, as Sinaloa is doing, especially in this beach destination, with this transportation alternative and the new aquarium.  

He added that the new federal government has the interest to be a facilitator of private investment to meet the needs and expectations of domestic and foreign tourism.

The mayor of Mazatlan, Luis Guillermo Benítez, pointed out that this transportation system will allow the infrastructure of Avenida Del Mar to be used more. In addition, this program is taken to the linear park to favor the families of the municipality. Rosy Fuentes, president of DIF, stressed that riding a bicycle will promote family unity.


Carlos Gandarilla García, director of Sedatu, explained that the first area has 11 bicipuertos in operation, historic center, and surrounding areas, with 39, for a total of 50 bicipuertos, with 350 active bicycles. By the end of February, in agreement with the Municipality, five bicipuertos will be installed in the linear park, with 50 active bicycles.  

Source: El Debate

The Mazatlan Post