As of Friday, the damage caused by Hurricane Willa will begin to be re-evaluated.

Escuinapa.- A few days after Andrés Manuel López Obrador visited southern Sinaloa, federal officials will return to the municipality to carry out a new assessment of the damages caused by Hurricane Willa and for the activation of the resources of the Natural Disasters Fund (Fonden) , which has allocated 510 million pesos for Escuinapa and El Rosario, announced Emmett Soto Grave.

Recently arrived from Mexico City, the municipal president reported that after holding a private meeting with López Obrador on Monday morning, he appointed a commission of federal officials to return to Escuinapa and conduct a tour of the affected areas. that allow them to reevaluate the damages caused by Willa.

It will be the next Friday that will be visited by David León Moreno, national coordinator of Civil Protection; Pacific Hugo Orantes Montes, director of the Fonden, and Román Meyer Falcón, head of the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development, to carry out the census of affectations.
“There was a census that is not the one that Escuinapa needs, in the housing area, only 150 affected houses were reported. They were censuses that were applied from October 23 to 29. But it was a bad uprising, “he criticized.
Source: El Debate
The Mazatlan Post