7 different ceviche tostadas that you will love in Mazatlan


Tostada de la Sierra, the typical Mazatleco ceviche, is made with onion, cucumber, carrot, and sawfish.

Tostada de Camaron, shrimp ceviche can be eaten with cooked or raw shrimp, both are delicious.

Tuna ceviche tostada, gives it a special flavor and you find it in most seafood restaurant.

Tostada de Cangrejo, Crab, do not forget to order it with mayonnaise.

Tostada de Pulpo, Octopus is as basic as shrimp in a ceviche and gives it a special flavor.

Tostada de Callo. Pure or in ceviche, the ax callus is a maritime delight.

Special tostadas, we do not even have words to describe the pleasure of eating one of these tostadas with different seafood and sometimes even with mango or orange segments.

Bon Appétit, Provecho

Source: vamonosasmazatlan

The Mazatlan post

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