Mazatlan has issued concession for new aquarium


Ernesto Coppel, the promoter entrepreneur of the Central Park, assures that the concession for 30 years has already been ratified by the mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, leaving behind any friction

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The new Aquarium, which will shortly begin its construction, has been concessioned to a ‘newly formed’ company, as was acknowledged on Thursday by the Central Park project’s own promoter, Ernesto Coppel Kelly. 

Despite being a recently formed company, the hotel business owner assured that Kingu Mexicana SA de CV, the individual to whom the concession was granted for 30 years, has experts for the development and maintenance of marine centers at the Monterrey level. and California, in the United States. 

Coppel Kelly also said that the contract has already been revalidated by the current Municipal Government headed by Mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, with the mayor’s signature on the document and leaving behind any differences regarding the project that will take two years to complete. lifting. 

Source: El Debate

The Mazatlan Post