Sinaloa neighbors affected by floods demand support



Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Two months after the impact of Tropical Storm 19-E, neighbors affected by the floods made me present at the State Congress to demand that the state government comply with the economic supports they were promised. 

Those who live in the subdivisions, Villas del Pedregal, Agustina Ramírez and Villa Fontana expressed that city workers went to their homes to collect a census of the affectations, with which supposedly they were going to quantify the amount of resources to be managed in support of things materials that they lost. 

” We are too many affected people who have been ignored and we know that if they have given Fonden support and they have not given us anything, what have they given us? A pantry and blankets that if the time, give them to the dog, “said the neighbor María del Carmen García. 

He said that they had them sign a sheet that verified the afflictions they suffered but when they requested support, the authorities turned their backs on them. 

On the other hand, the neighbor of the Villa Fontana subdivision, Mario Guadalupe Quevedo Rubio pointed out that in his case, the flood caused him to lose all of his furniture and that he has not received any support to recover from such a critical situation. 

He also commented that he suspects that the census carried out by the municipal government is used to misuse the fund’s resources. 

” They made us sign up to the letter of diffusion and the census they took it nothing more to fill a requirement and to make bad use of the Fonden , here naide is committed and nobody is responsible, what really interests us is that they give us the support of the fonden “, He said. 

The case of the affected neighbors was turned over to the Commission of Control and Urban Planning.

Source: EL Debate

The Mazatlan Post