MAZATLAN: Inheritance of potholes, drivers ask for its attention from new City Hall.

Mazatlan, Sin.- The new administration of the City of Mazatlan has inherited multiple potholes in various parts of the city, which cause difficulty and inconvenience to drivers of private vehicles and public transport.

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In a tour made by this means it was possible to appreciate some of the deepest holes in the asphalt folder of the downtown area of the city and important colonies.
This is the case of one located at the intersection of Benito Juárez and 16 de Septiembre streets, some more along Teniente Azueta and Gutiérrez Nájera streets, this in downtown.

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Impressive hoyancos where there is even accumulated drainage water and potable water pipes as in Insurgentes in the Juarez neighborhood, where drivers have to stop the movement of their vehicles or make lane change maneuvers to avoid them
“It is complicated, we hope that the new president (Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres) does something; for now we have to endure, we undressed with potholes, hopefully, do something in town, “were some of the testimonies of affected drivers.

The Mazatlan Post