Gringos find a bay leaf in their food and the scandal was created
Within Mexican cuisine, one of the essential flavors is spicy. An iconic sample is a chipotle chili, which is characterized by its sweet flavor that blends perfectly with countless dishes.
In the United States, there is a restaurant called Chipotle, which began to create its reputation based on the recommendations of its Mexican food by Latinos. This caught the attention of the Americans, who immediately wanted to try their traditional flavors, like good foodies.
Everything went great with the recognition that was acquired, which drew the attention of all those who enjoy the Mexican flavors abroad. However, we must bear in mind that one of the bases of the scents and seasonings of Mexico lies in its herbalism.
There are herbs such as laurel, which give a unique touch to the dishes. These leaves are placed whole in the saucers and provide unique characteristics to the food.
The “gringos” not being accustomed to seeing leaves in their food, they were impressed and they took it as a lack of hygiene, even considering them like garbage. Hundreds of photos on social networks denounced the lack of respect in the restaurant by offering food with leaves.
Thanks to the digital global community, the Mexicans saw the messages of complaint towards the restaurant and immediately responded with the importance of these sheets to flavor not only this one but numerous dishes of the typical food.
After the taunts and explanation of the experts in traditional food, which in the end are all the diners, several messages of repudiation against the restaurant were eliminated. The Americans understood that bay leaves were not an oversight, but an important part of the flavor of their dish, and that was how they only helped the uncertainty about the restaurant to increase.
Now, the restaurant is very popular. This confusion only generated confidence in the seasoning offered by their dishes.
By Dayana Sanjuan
The Mazatlan Post