Mazatlan: Staple food prices rise sharply


Mazatlan Mercado: Not enough money to make purchases on Sundays complain, buyers.

Food staples do not fall a penny rather remain on the rise, said Carla Sarabia.

He said that the eggs, which are very necessary in homes, the case is now at 55 pesos, two pesos has gone up between September and October.

Not Enough

The tomato has had abrupt changes in the price, of being in 9 and 10 pesos it went up to 20, then 26 pesos and there the kilo remains fixed.

Housewives, like Marcia Tirada, says that for a long time she stopped buying the kilo of tomatoes or potatoes, today she takes four or five pieces and she has to organize herself so that they last for the whole week.

Onions are 22 pesos, and lemons, 20, per kilo, while avocado is 58 and 65 pesos per kilo.  

Buyers go through one stall after another in search of a better price, but there is not much difference.

Stall owners

The sellers of the different stalls emphasize that they make great efforts to maintain the same prices. The problem is that they increase the price and the time comes that they can no longer sustain the same cost.

What there is little of is tomato because it is barely in the season of the harvest of this food. The lemon is also scarce and even the chiles.

In addition, storms in various parts of the country have affected production and this is reflected in the cost.

The municipal markets are the ones that most families go through to buy basic foods.

Milk and all derivatives are expensive, said Leticia Santiago. There are cheap synthetic cheeses, but it has no flavor and the others are expensive. Therefore, many people can not consume them anymore.

Prices comparison for basic foods in other cities.

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The Mazatlan Post