Mazatlan: “El Químico” goes for updating the Register of Property Tax


Mazatlan Sinaloa .- The Municipal President of the port, Luis Guillermo Benitez Torres, said that his government is already in talks to carry out an update of the Register of Property Tax, which would mean a greater collection of this tax.

During a meeting with the media in his office, “El Químico” said that with this update they will “step on many toes” because there will be citizens who do not want to be included in a register in which they are required to pay this back tax, which is by law owed. 

He added that revenues from Predial, the most important tax for the Municipality, is approximately between 300 million and 400 million pesos.

“What we are going to ask is that the City Council be paid, because it is everyone’s money, from the city, for the benefit of all,” he said.

He also denied that his administration will hire collection agencies to end delinquency.

“No, I promised not to hire collection agencies. Will have a team that is going to dedicate exclusively to tax collection. As of last recourse, we will hire Collection agencies when it is really necessary, we are going to do it;

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The Mazatlan Post